There’s something really special about the Mocha Girls Pit Stop community, and it’s this: we grow together.

When I started this blog on July 7, 2012, I couldn’t have imagined the sisterhood that it would form. Month to month, year to year; full of learning and empowerment.

As the second quarter of the year approaches, I’ve been a bit introspective about my own growth.

I realized that in 2015 I seemed to have reached an impasse; I’d been blogging for 4 years, I was in the process of building my speaking platform but I recognized that I had gotten as far as I was going to get, on my own.

I’d overcome a great deal of adversity but I felt like it was time to go to the next level. When I looked around me, I noticed that I’d used all the resources that were currently accessible to me, and in order to go to the next level, I needed to up the ante. I needed more discipline, more guidance, and growth… and fear was lurking in the background.

I wanted more but I didn’t really know how to get there. I’ve recognized this as a sacred space of honoring where you have been and then carefully curating the space that you are growing into.

It’s very similar to how in high school, you enter as a freshman and over the course of 4 years, you build your reputation, you grow, you excel and before you know it, you’re a senior. You’re the big dog on campus… but then once you get to college, you’re back at “square 1.”

You’re a freshman again and you must humble yourself in order to fully understand this next phase and be successful. Sometimes you need to seek out mentorship and pick the brains of upperclassman who were once in your shoes… you may have mastered high school but college is a new level. It takes courage and strength to make that climb to “what’s next”. It also takes a bit of risk. Pushing yourself is never easy but it’s certainly worth it, as we all know.

Well, to you, my community I have some things to share!

Why You Should Push Yourself Past the Point Where You Normally Stop

Some things that are a reflection of my commitment to growth and just as importantly, to service. I am taking a few things to the next level and I am excited to have the sisterhood of MGPS rallying behind me as I climb!

Over the past 4 1/2 years I’ve received hundreds of emails and inquiries from men and women who want to learn more about starting a blog. I shunned away from teaching and coaching because it was new. There was a huge learning curve and I was scared.

What if I fail? What if I’m not good. Basically, I created a narrative that didn’t exist and let that dictate my actions…

Finally I’m creating a course and a coaching program for those who want to learn more about starting a blog to share their story or bring awareness to a cause or topic that ignites their fire.

When you push past the point where you normally stop, not only do you go to the next level, you liberate others and inspire them to do the same.

Click here to stay tuned for more details about my course and coaching program and I’ll send you my FREE resource, How to Get Your First 10,000 Twitter Followers.

Once you click the link above, I want you to take a few moments to evaluate your ‘now’ and hold it up against your ‘next’.

What new versions of you must be developed in order to get there? Are there new skills? A bigger network? A boost in confidence? A coach or mentor needed? New books to be read? Another industry to learn?

As you navigate this glorious rise to new levels just know that you have a community here at MGPS that is behind you cheering and reminding you of all of the purpose and magic you possess. You go, boo!
