Mocha Girl of the Week: Sarah Smith

I have finally overcame my fear of pursuing a new career path. Since I graduated from Kutztown University in 2008, I have been working retail. Going from job to job seeking to earn more money but I wasn't happy. Working long hours and physically and emotionally tired. I wanted out. Continue reading...

Mocha Girl of the Week: Precious Coleman

I am a Mocha Girl on a Mission because after being faced with multiple forms of adversity, I always knew that success solely depended on my innate ability to "take charge" even when things seemed financially impossible. There's a generation of young women who need examples of strength right within their locality. Continue reading...

Mocha Girl of the Week: Chinique Alburg

Being a young female college graduate with little real life work experience, trying to break into the working world wherever and however possible just to make a name for myself. Being blindsided in the midst of it all and becoming pregnant with twins way before I was anywhere near ready and equipped to care for a child let alone two. Continue reading...