Black Women, Sex, and Sensuality Terri Lomax February 15, 2018 1 Comment Women often find their strength in the way they care for others, the way they manage their spaces, the way they deal with stresses and adversity, and in the situation in which they “overcome." But just for a moment lets add another strength indicator into the mix. Continue reading here...
5 Tips to Help You Create and Attract Positive Vibes Terri Lomax March 9, 2017 2 Comments There's a catch phrase that's been floating around lately that I absolutely love. It goes like this: Your vibe attracts your tribe. And don't we all want to create and attract positive vibes? I know I do! The catch phrase is a modern twist on the cliché, “Birds of a feather, flock together”, but it takes it a step further. Continue reading...
There’s No Testimony without a Test Terri Lomax September 10, 2016 Often, we want the best out of life, but we’re not prepared to do what it takes to get it – But there's no TESTimony without a TEST – there’s no getting away from it!If you want the best, you’ve got to be prepared to give your best, it’s the Law of Reciprocity; you get back what you put out. Continue reading here...
How to Walk Confidently In Your Independence, When Your Family Still Thinks You’re a Kid Terri Lomax September 20, 2015 1 Comment The past two years have brought about monumental life changes for me. But to my surprise, these great life changes were followed by challenging experiences that I thought would break me! My husband always jokingly says that my family thinks I'm baby Jesus. They are extremely proud of me and they let me and everyone else know, any chance they get. Continue reading here...
7 Questions to Consider Before You Say “I Do” Terri Lomax December 19, 2014 6 Comments This time last year I was newly engaged. Boy does time fly! My fiancé and I are now planning our wedding. Our special day is July 21, 2015. It's also the 8th year anniversary of my dad's passing. Growing up in church I've witnessed many couples go through premarital counseling. Continue reading...
Love Your Sister, She is a Gift Terri Lomax August 29, 2014 1 Comment Today the woman has surpassed the male as the competitor. His strength and testosterone are not enough to outshine the woman’s need to be seen, admired and known. In the story of Adam and Eve, God presented Eve to Adam as his gift. Continue reading...
When Mother’s Day is Bittersweet Terri Lomax May 11, 2014 1 Comment No one wants to be a "Debbie Downer" a "Hater" or a "Negative Nancy" on Mother's Day, which is why I debated with myself on whether or not to publish this post. I hope my intention is clear by the end of this text. Continue reading...
My Surprise Engagement, Negative Feedback & 7 Life Lessons Terri Lomax December 25, 2013 35 Comments On Monday my boyfriend proposed to me at the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree in NYC! It was a pleasant surprise and one of the most beautiful moments of my life! The photos above are from our photo shoot a few months ago; kind of prophetic huh? Continue reading here…
My Poisonous Prince Charming: Why I Stayed in a Controlling Relationship Terri Lomax August 13, 2013 4 Comments A couple days ago, me and my bestie, Amina, were having girl talk, as I unpacked my new apartment. Our conversation shifted to relationships and we both reminisced on the B.S. that we've put up with in the past. Continue reading...
Dear Mama: Standing Up to My Mom for the First Time Terri Lomax July 12, 2013 13 Comments When I turned 18 I didn't feel like a woman and I sure didn't feel like an adult. I felt like the same little girl who was punched in the face by her mom in the 5th grade, for having a messy desk and writing a love note to a little boy in her class. Continue reading…