An Open Letter from Prison: Mama Lomax (my mom) Talks Abuse, Guilt & Forgiveness Terri Lomax July 30, 2014 21 Comments If you're a frequent reader of the blog then you're pretty familiar with the relationship between me and my mom. Blogging has been a therapeutic outlet for me on my journey to forgiveness. It's also been a healthy method of coping with the physical and verbal abuse that I experienced at the hands of my mother. Continue reading...
Join Me and Lana Reid on her radio show “Don’t Box Me In” Terri Lomax July 2, 2014 Did you miss my feature on Lana Reid's radio show today? We talked about overcoming adversity, boosting self-esteem and resiliency. Click below to listen to the recording!
How Bad Do You Want It? (or, the Story Behind My Name Change) Terri Lomax June 24, 2014 When I was 7, my mom asked me if I wanted to change my name! I know right? Uhh, what 7 year old wouldn't want to change their name!? The reason was because her and my biological father had divorced years ago and he didn't want me to forget about him. Continue Reading...
New Experience Diary: Texting & Driving, 7 Inspiring Quotes & the Rock the Stage Training Terri Lomax June 15, 2014 JoshShipp is national youth speaker, teen expert, author and TV personality who's been featured on CNN, Oprah, MTV, Lifetime and a host of other reputable media companies. I "discovered" Josh back in 2011 when I was searching for motivational speaking training and resources. Continue reading...
New Experience Diary: Pimple Face, Acne Scars & My First Chemical Peel Terri Lomax May 30, 2014 8 Comments Up until my junior year of high school I had the clearest skin you ever did see! I mean seriously my face was blemish free and smooth as a baby's bottom. However, my senior year of high school I was plagued with acne (I know I'm dramatic)... and I mean bad acne. Continue reading...
Some Life Updates From Me… Clubbing, Therapy and Discounts! Terri Lomax November 18, 2013 2 Comments I thought I'd start off with a little embarrassing/ funny story from this weekend. So me and my girls went out this weekend. We got all dressed up and went to a club in NYC. I think we got to the club at like 1:00am! Pause! Continue reading here…
Why I’ve Been MIA on the Blog (and What Surprising Factors Pulled Me Out of Depression) Terri Lomax October 28, 2013 18 Comments Soooooo, lately I've been going through a few personal issues that have taken a toll on me mentally, physically... sheesh, even emotionally and spiritually. You know how when you're going through something you tend to cut off or withdraw from the things you need the most? Continue reading…
Bouncing Back When You Let Yourself Down Terri Lomax June 23, 2013 2 Comments Ever since I was a teenager I was heavily involved in church; especially when it came to speaking in front of the congregation. I was often asked to speak for youth Sunday's, act in church plays or read the morning announcements. Continue reading…
A Reminder That Life Get’s Better Terri Lomax June 16, 2013 4 Comments I pride myself on being a positive person but I must admit, life has always been a struggle. As I look back as an adult it's obvious that my parents did a great job of masking our adversity. Continue reading…
When Your Biggest Insecurity is Smack Dab on Your Face Terri Lomax June 9, 2013 4 Comments My teeth and I have always had a bittersweet relationship. Before my teeth became an issue my gums were the issue. I have dark gums and for some reason when I was younger they were much darker than they are now. Continue reading…