Mocha Girl Cooks: Super Easy Candied Yams Recipe Terri Lomax November 22, 2015 My family's from the south and candied yams (or candied sweets/ candied sweet potatoes) is a popular holiday dish for us. My grandmother typically doesn't use marshmallows but I topped my candied yams dish with mini marshmallows last year and I fell in love. Enjoy this super easy candied yams recipe here!
Mocha Girl Cooks: Creamy Homemade Mac ‘N’ Cheese Recipe Terri Lomax November 16, 2015 11 Comments There aren't many recipes online for creamy homemade mac 'n' cheese, so I figured I'd share my version of my grandmother's baked macaroni and cheese recipe. If you like creamy baked mac 'n' cheese, you're going to love this one! Click here to continue...
What a Toilet Seat Cover Can Teach You About Complacency Terri Lomax October 17, 2015 9 Comments It wasn't until I was in high school that I started using the paper seat covers and honestly, I never really liked them! It was more of a hassle for me but it got to the point where I was tired of squatting. My thighs would burn (yea, I probably needed to work out more), my balance was off and sometimes the back of my leg would touch the toilet. YUCK! Continue reading here...
The Power of the Push [FREE WEBINAR] Terri Lomax October 11, 2015 If you’re anything like the women in the Mocha Girls Pit Stop community, you’ve always been a dreamer. You envisioned yourself achieving extraordinary goals. You created vision boards with luxurious homes, expensive cars and career paths that allowed you to spend more time with the people you love. But then life happened. Continue reading here...
Managing Marriage, Motherhood & Mental Illness with Dawn Montgomery Greene Terri Lomax October 9, 2015 Dawn Montgomery Greene is a model, blogger and mental health advocate who takes great pride in putting a face to mental illness (especially in the black community). Dawn loves working with young people, speaking about mental illness, her career and spending time with her family. Dawn is also a freelance writer and her work has been featured in Rolling Out Magazine, J'Adore Magazine Watch Interview Here!
Mama Lomax (My Mom) Reveals How She Feels About Me Sharing My Story… From Prison Terri Lomax September 27, 2015 6 Comments One relationship that continues to test my ability to forgive is the relationship that I have with my mom. My mom has been in and out of jail since I was 8 years old. A few years ago, she was sentenced to 4 years in prison, which was the longest stint she’s ever done. Watch the Interview Here!
How to Walk Confidently In Your Independence, When Your Family Still Thinks You’re a Kid Terri Lomax September 20, 2015 1 Comment The past two years have brought about monumental life changes for me. But to my surprise, these great life changes were followed by challenging experiences that I thought would break me! My husband always jokingly says that my family thinks I'm baby Jesus. They are extremely proud of me and they let me and everyone else know, any chance they get. Continue reading here...
Guess What’s Happening in 31 Days?! Terri Lomax June 19, 2015 With this month's theme in mind (honesty) I'm compelled to be truthful with you and myself. I am so grateful for this blog and the incredible community that trusts me enough to pop into their emails every Monday with mantras, interviews, personal stories and blog posts! Continue reading here...
When’s the Last Time You Celebrated You? No Really… When? Terri Lomax June 19, 2015 4 Comments If you're anything like me, you spend more time celebrating the success of others over your own. You probably work really hard, set a bunch of goals but when you overcome obstacles, when you achieve your goals, you barely give yourself time to wallow in your success. Continue reading here...
Be Honest With Yourself About Your Areas for Improvement Terri Lomax June 8, 2015 2 Comments What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do. What's one habit that you can implement this week, to enable you to be more productive? What's one bad habit that you can do without? Share your goals for the week in the comments section below to be supported by our positive community. Share Your Feedback Here...