Mocha Girl of the Week: Rachel Cargle

My passions are what lead me. They are what fill my heart with the sense of adventure, exploration and possibly that keep me going every day. I put much effort into recognizing and cultivating what I call my passion projects: those things that excite me so much I’m compelled into action. Continue Reading…

Mocha Girl on a Mission: Lauren Wells

I am a Mocha Girl on a mission because I'm a Certified Personal Trainer in New York City who does not only want to pursue a healthy lifestyle for myself and my clients but I'm also on a mission to reach out to the masses educating them on health, wellness and fitness. Continue reading…

The #1 Secret to Getting Ahead

It's such a great time to be alive! We've come so far as a people that in today's world, even our wildest dreams are possible. The sky is no longer the limit, for there are not limits to what we can achieve! But what do you think is the #1 secret for attaining those dreams? Continue reading…