Mocha Girl of the Week: Sarah Smith Terri Lomax July 9, 2014 I have finally overcame my fear of pursuing a new career path. Since I graduated from Kutztown University in 2008, I have been working retail. Going from job to job seeking to earn more money but I wasn't happy. Working long hours and physically and emotionally tired. I wanted out. Continue reading...
Join Me and Lana Reid on her radio show “Don’t Box Me In” Terri Lomax July 2, 2014 Did you miss my feature on Lana Reid's radio show today? We talked about overcoming adversity, boosting self-esteem and resiliency. Click below to listen to the recording!
Mocha Girl of the Week: Precious Coleman Terri Lomax June 30, 2014 I am a Mocha Girl on a Mission because after being faced with multiple forms of adversity, I always knew that success solely depended on my innate ability to "take charge" even when things seemed financially impossible. There's a generation of young women who need examples of strength right within their locality. Continue reading...
How Bad Do You Want It? (or, the Story Behind My Name Change) Terri Lomax June 24, 2014 When I was 7, my mom asked me if I wanted to change my name! I know right? Uhh, what 7 year old wouldn't want to change their name!? The reason was because her and my biological father had divorced years ago and he didn't want me to forget about him. Continue Reading...
Mocha Girl of the Week: Chinique Alburg Terri Lomax June 23, 2014 3 Comments Being a young female college graduate with little real life work experience, trying to break into the working world wherever and however possible just to make a name for myself. Being blindsided in the midst of it all and becoming pregnant with twins way before I was anywhere near ready and equipped to care for a child let alone two. Continue reading...
New Experience Diary: Texting & Driving, 7 Inspiring Quotes & the Rock the Stage Training Terri Lomax June 15, 2014 JoshShipp is national youth speaker, teen expert, author and TV personality who's been featured on CNN, Oprah, MTV, Lifetime and a host of other reputable media companies. I "discovered" Josh back in 2011 when I was searching for motivational speaking training and resources. Continue reading...
Mocha Girl of the Week: Racheal BkAphrodite Terri Lomax June 9, 2014 As a teenager I slowly allowed outside forces determine my worth and beauty. I looked to television and social media to teach me what I should or should not be. Now a twenty something I have decided to take the reins of my life back. Continue reading...
Mocha Girl of the Week: Sorena Eaddy Terri Lomax June 2, 2014 Sorena is a Mocha Girl on a Mission because back in April of 2013 God gave her a vision to write a book. At the time that the vision was given, Sorena had no idea how she was going to write this book. Continue Reading...
New Experience Diary: Pimple Face, Acne Scars & My First Chemical Peel Terri Lomax May 30, 2014 8 Comments Up until my junior year of high school I had the clearest skin you ever did see! I mean seriously my face was blemish free and smooth as a baby's bottom. However, my senior year of high school I was plagued with acne (I know I'm dramatic)... and I mean bad acne. Continue reading...
Self-Esteem Booster of the Week: Increase Competence Terri Lomax May 27, 2014 How do you feel more competent? By becoming more competent. And how do you do that? By studying and practicing. Just do small bits at a time. If you want to be a more competent writer, for example, don’t try to tackle the entire profession of writing all at once. Continue reading…