Some call it “doing the most” I call it “staying in the know.” What do you expect from the girl who grocery shops with a calculator in hand to calculate the total before she gets to the cashier? What can I say: I don’t like surprises! Well, at least when it comes to my grades and my money!

While many universities utilize Blackboard, MyClasses, WebAdvisor or other learning management systems to enable professors to post grades online, my experience has been that either the professors fail to use the management system or they fail to post grades in a timely fashion. I’m one that likes to see my grade ASAP.

Below is a ritual that has worked miracles for me! It’s allowed me to keep a “running tab” of my grades throughout the semester. My “homemade” grade tracker also prevents me from being one of those “last  two weekers” (that I mention in my post 7 Ways to Get Your Professors to Love You) who storm into a professors office 2 weeks before the semester is over to discuss grade discrepancies!

1. During syllabus week (the first week of classes) take the time to write out all of your weighted assignments for the semester along with their respective weights. I usually hand write it but Excel works just as well.


2. As the semester progresses plug in your grades and view your tentative average. Also, if your professor “forgets” to share your grades with you be proactive and inquire! Keep a copy of your tracker in your binder or on your laptop.