“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” – Steven R. Covey

A couple weeks ago I heard about a great internship opportunity via Facebook. Coincidentally  it was hosted by a professional whom I admire and respect greatly.So you know me. I jumped on the opportunity quick, fast and in a hurry! I did my research, submitted my application materials and a few days later, I got “the call.” She wanted to schedule a Skype interview with me! I was so excited! 

The night before the interview, I rummaged through the web, reading articles that she had written and watching her YouTube videos. I wanted to be prepared for any specific questions that popped up during the interview. I memorized her mission statement and prepared my interview questions. I even strategically set up my webcam to display my huge and heavily used wall calendar. Yea, I was doin’ the most.

So, the morning came and it was time for the interview. At 9:30 on the dot she called me. I was prepared and ready to go.But then… as the Skype video struggled to load, a “poor connection” notice popped up on the screen. NO!!! Not now!!! I’m thinking.

Long story short, she ended up calling my cell to conduct the interview. I was so disappointed. I was really looking forward to the Skype interview. My idea of how the interview would go was ruined and I was frustrated!

However, when she called me she said, without hesitation, calmly and assuredly, “It seems that we’re experiencing a technical difficulty but the show must go on, right?”

Then it hit me. She’s Right. The show must go on.

Though things didn’t work out precisely the way that I had intended, the purpose (or main thing) of our communication in the first place, was for me to back up my credentials and for her to gain a better understanding of what I could bring to the table.

Sometimes we get too caught up on the small details and lose sight of the “main thing.”

What’s planned must be carried out, whatever the circumstances. Our job is to adjust and make the best out of the situation. Whether we experience a minor set back in life, a technical glitch during a presentation or we perform poorly on an important exam, remember…

The show must go on!
