Getting your thoughts out of your head and onto paper can be extremely therapeutic. I honestly believe that my journal ( my diary’s new name, now that I’m a grown-up) is a part of the reason why I’ve been able to come to closure with dark moments in my past, without therapy or heavy duty counseling!

My upbringing was anything but normal. Normalcy for me included frequent visits from the police
because of my parents’ violent arguments or spending Sundays in a prison facility to visit my mom.

As a result, my diary became my BFF. I told her all of my secrets, and she never told a soul. She knew about all of my insecurities and never made fun of me. She was there for me at 3am when I couldn’t sleep at night and she always had my back (literally, I kept my diary in my backpack to keep snoopers out ;))

Often times when I talk to friends about my commitment to journaling they admire the process but find it difficult to follow through. Below are a few tips and motivators that keep me writing!

The Joys of Journaling

Growth- It’s a beautiful thing to look back on previous entries to see one) how you overcame certain situations and two) how much you’ve grown as an individual. I have about 6 volumes of journals dating back to 2006. I always get a kick out of reading about how my 16 year old self dealt with a breakup! Ohh Lawd!

Therapy- It’s pretty ironic but last year I decided to see a therapist for a few months. I find this ironic because I’ve been through some tough times in life and I chose to see a therapist at a point when I had overcome many of the trials I was faced with. LOL I’m so backwards. But anywho, my therapist admired the fact that I wrote in my diary often.

She said that “journaling can be a healing process to help you get in touch with your deepest yearnings, find resolve for problems, and deal with personal issues” And that it is, for me!

Privacy- How many times have you confided in someone only to have them tell your damn business? *raises hand* Uhh ohh I hit a nerve with this one. My momma always told me not to invite everyone “all up in”  my business for several reasons (that we could probably spend the day listing.) I always kept my journal locked up to keep nosey  people out (my parents and siblings :))

Introspection-This is simply a self-examination of your feelings and thoughts. I loved the fact that my journal doesn’t judge or run away when I share something a tad risque. I liken introspection to “getting outside of yourself” and viewing your life from an objective point of view. Being honest and real with yourself.

What Should You Journal About?

Journal about your day. Your high points, low points and in between points. There’s no wrong or right way to journal. The best part about it is, you make your own rules! I typically write about how my day goes, accomplishments, mood swings or really, anything that comes to mind.

What Tools Do You Need To Journal?

  • A composition book. These always work well. I prefer comp. books over notebooks because it prevents me from ripping out pages to use for other purposes.
  • A Pen. I’d also write in pen because over the years the pencil tends to fade.
  • A Combination. If you don’t live alone invest in a briefcase or footlocker with a password lock.

Other than the things listed above, the only other “thing” you need is YOU. Write on Mama!

What techniques do you use to get in touch with your inner self? 
