Mocha Girl of the Week: Racheal BkAphrodite

MGOM_Rachael BkAphrodite



Why Racheal is a Mocha Girl on a Mission…

As a teenager I slowly allowed outside forces determine my worth and beauty. I looked to television and social media to teach me what I should or should not be. Now a twenty something I have decided to take the reins of my life back. I have begun my journey to appreciation of my every flaw. I have gone out on a limb facing my fears, sharing bits of me with others in hopes to allow them to grow. To do that I created my blog Aphrodite Kinks, taken self love and growth to social media and starting a small boutique to remind women that they may feel flawed but those flaws make them lovable; that they are perfectly imperfect.

About Racheal…

Learning how to take control was a huge obstacle I had to overcome. I had no idea how and I was not taught much of that in my life. Noticing my desire to break free of old habits and take take control I did my research. I connected with people who were in control of their destiny. I spoke with them and learned their stories. They all became inspirations to me throughout my own journey and slowly but surely, I have been receiving the control of my own destiny.

Racheal’s Greatest Accomplishment…

My greatest accomplishment has to be getting out there and starting my blog Aphrodite Kinks. It has opened many doors for me to connect with women on their journey to loving their perfectly imperfect selves. It has also helped me to reach higher heights in my professional growth that I never thought I’d achieve. I have also learned to be fearless because of my blog which I appreciate greatly.


Keep in touch with Racheal BkAphrodite!

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