Mocha Girl on a Mission: TaNisha Fordham




Obstacles I’ve Overcome…

When I was running to be Miss A&T State University I realized, for the first time, that people thought I was fat. I realized that some people didn’t think I was pretty. I realized that what I had always worn as a badge of honor (being a people person and friendly to everyone) was actually being looked at as a character flaw (I wasn’t conventionally popular;
I was opened to being friends with everyone, even those students who others may have felt were, “losers.”) I remember one day while I was campaigning someone looked me dead in my eyes and said, “We are not voting for you, we’re voting for the pretty one.” It is still piercing today. But, I know that, that is a part of my story and it’s impact will be grander in the world than it ever was within me. If anything, it grew a fruit in me: God uses whoever he wants – period, point, blank.

In many ways that trying time has carried over in everything I do. I mean that in the best way possible. I’ve learned to be overwhelmingly accepting and loving of people – you never know what someone is going through. More importantly, I’ve learned to anticipate the best and the worst of what people may have to say about me. I work on those areas in my life where I would like to grow and I learn to love the things about myself that others may take issue with.

Another obstacle is, “dream chasing.” I write for a blog and I’m always writing about the importance of faith. More importantly faith and works go hand in hand. It isn’t always easy but I know that I have to believe in myself. I have to believe in my vision and dream. I am so often faced by people and situations that show me that others can not yet see in me what God has destined for me. It isn’t that people can’t see my potential but they can’t see me at the level that I will ultimately be (they see me where I am, at this moment). But, that’s fine – isn’t it; in the end, it’s my responsibility to make these, “bamas,” believe. Smile. I have to be able to see myself at the end of the race – that’s how I can motivate myself to keep running. Other people don’t necessarily matter.


I’m a Mocha Girl on a Mission because…

I love God. My main mission in life is to show God’s love to the world. Actually, I’ve recently identified a very specific and concise vision statement, “I want to write, act and direct for billions of people around the world spreading the light and love of Jesus Christ.” This is something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time now, and it’s not always easy. I’ve faced so many obstacles to date; it seems like the greatest one has been myself.

Of course, I’ve had people discourage me and “haters,” tell me that I’m not going to make it. I’ve lost friends and have had to redirect myself more times than I can even recount, but the greatest challenge has been believing in myself through it all. Even when my circumstances don’t seem to be working in my favor – they are – I’ve always had to remind myself of this. Now, more than ever, I’m learning to look up and within, not out.

TaNisha’s Greatest Accomplishments…

TaNisha Fordham is a producer, director, writer and actor originally from Buffalo, N.Y. currently living in Greensboro, N.C. TaNisha Fordham has always understood the importance of putting family and God first.

Fordham founded Enlightened Visions, Inc. ( in 2007 a company purposed to counter negative media and theatre images with positive media and theatre images.

Since 2007 Fordham has written and directed a combination of 16 theatrical productions, short films and television series; she’s done a college tour about sex and sexuality and the importance of respecting your own body; she’s completed her first children’s book, “Teeth,” which is currently in production, being turned into a multi – genre musical book on tape, for which she wrote and composed all the music 
and lyrics; additionally, she’s had the opportunity to perform in many productions both film and theatre all around North Carolina, including the National Black Theater Festival and several productions at the International Civil Rights museum. 

Fordham also considers herself blessed to have the opportunity to work with the youth having started ACT UP a teen organization (Anomalous Creative Teens Uplifting their Peers) and teaching acting yearly, since 2005, at the North Carolina A&T State Universities’ Upward Bound Program. Fordham speaks around North Carolina, when given the opportunity, hosting workshops and doing inspirational speaking engagements because she believes that someone helped and blessed her so that she can help and be a blessing to others.


Congratulations on your success TaNisha!  You are truly an inspiration! We support you and wish you the best on your future endeavors as you change the lives of youth around the world :)

If you’d like to reach out to TaNisha, you can shoot her an email at: