I am a self-proclaimed To-Do List Queen! I live for my To-Do List. I live by my To-Do List. The sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that I receive every time I cross off an item on my list is honestly one of the greatest feelings in the world for me. There’s no doubt I have a Type A personality.

My To-Do List keeps me on track, productive and organized, although sometimes creating a list of  “things that need to get done” can be overwhelming and counterproductive. After many failed attempts I’ve come up with an efficient ritual that keeps my stress levels down and my productivity levels high by following the 4 steps listed below.

1.Get it all out- Write down every task that you can possibly think of that needs to get done over the next week or two. Be specific when you write your tasks. Instead of writing “Work on essay,” write “Research topic for essay and brainstorm ideas.” Seem stressful? Trust me, it gets better.

Here’s my To-Do List for this week, complements of my iPhone Notes app.


2. Prioritize- Rank each task according to it’s level of priority. Let’s be honest here. This is the time to distinguish between what needs to get done in a timely manner and what you prefer doing first!

Priority Ranking- A,B,C and D

“A” items are the most important to your long-term success

“B” items are things you must do as apart of your daily life and are usually more repetitive

“C” items are reoccurring tasks such as paying bills, grocery shopping, studying, etc…

“D” are things you could delegate, delay, or decide not to do at all


3. Set realistic deadlines- After assigning each task a priority ranking, take a look at your calendar to assign feasible “due dates” for each task. A plan with no timetable has no sense of urgency, so, plan accordingly.


4. Execute- Take action. Follow through with your plan and cross those items off your list once you complete them, the feeling is relieving!
