Just a few years ago, I found myself depressed and unfulfilled. I was working a day job that I absolutely dreaded and I felt as though I was living life on autopilot.

There were dreams, passions, and desires within me that lie dormant because I didn’t have time to pursue them.

I needed my day job because I had bills and student loans to pay but my day job slowly began to creep into my nights and soon after, my weekends… making it feel like a 24 hour job.

I was miserable, tired all the time, and questioning whether my two degrees were even worth it.

The free time I did have was usually dedicated to long naps.

I wasn’t motivated enough to blog regularly and I was slowly spiraling into a deep depression.

3 Reflective Activities to Help You Get Your Life

After reflecting on my life one day, I realized that I had been neglecting an essential element that I know I need and thrive in… “me” time.

Not the usual, candle lit bath, mani-pedi “me” time, but the productive, introspective “me” time that typically comes with some tears, personal revelations, and change!

If you’re at a point in your life where you feel as though you’re stuck, overwhelmed, directionless or simply dissatisfied, know that you’re not alone.

We all experience bumps along  the journey of life. It’s not about how you fall, it’s about how you get up.

Take a look at the activities below that I’ve used (and continue to use) to get and keep my life in on purpose. Hopefully they’ll help you ‘get your life’ as well:

1. Create Your Ideal Life Narrative

On April 22, 2014, I created a file on my computer called “My Ideal Life.” I had participated in Rosetta Thurman’s 31 Day Reset Your Life Challenge and Day Twelve’s assignment was to create your ideal life narrative (ILN). Basically your ILN is a story line written in the present tense describing how you want your life to look in the future. You answer questions like:

Where do you live?

Who are you with?

What do you earn?

How do you spend your leisure time?

What career path are you on? 

And any other affirmations that you desire to speak and act into existence. I found this activity to be extremely inspiring. It gave me a chance to dream big, visualize what my ideal life would look like and create a foundation for my day to day actions. Take a look at my Ideal Life Narrative below.

Side note: This narrative is incredibly prophetic for me! At the time I wrote it I wasn’t engaged, I didn’t know that my fiancé and I would be moving to California in 2015 and I had no clue that in 2015 I’d be pursuing entrepreneurship full time! Crazy cool right?

“I am living somewhere warm with my hubby, though I spend half the year traveling for speaking engagements, workshops and conferences. We have great benefits and live on a university campus. We are debt free and constantly creating multiple streams of income for our family. We vacation at least 3 times a year and bring our families along for at least one vacation. I am a highly sought- after youth speaker for national and international conferences and conventions. My blog and Youtube channel are very popular and inspire millions of women around the world. I have several ebooks and bestselling books that enhance the lives of those who read them. I earn millions by doing what I love– empowering women and youth to overcome setbacks and live dynamically. I have close relationships with my immediate family and church family. I visit my family and church several times a year to celebrate holidays, birthdays and sometimes “just because.” My hubby and I exercise daily and are committed to a healthy and happy lifestyle. I have a good therapist who helps me grow and thrive. I am a lifelong learner and I invest in my ongoing education by attending seminars, professional development conferences and reading for pleasure. I also take cooking and dance classes along with other unique workshops to feed my creativity. I meditate daily and I live a balanced life where God is my center. I am happy, I am impactful and I am at peace.”

2. Start Goal Mapping Your Year

A few days before Christmas in 2014 I found myself reflecting on the year and I felt compelled to create a workbook to map out my goals for 2015. Being a visual person I take to heart the saying, “If it isn’t written, it doesn’t exist.” I’ve been using my Goal Mapping Workbook since January 1, 2015 and it has done wonders for me! It seems that every to-do item that I listed in my workbook for the first three months of the year, I’ve accomplished.

I didn’t meet all of my deadlines however progress has been my most important standard, not perfection. 3 goals that I’ve accomplished that I’m really proud of so far this year are:

1) My fiance and I registered for our first 5K

2) I created a savings plan with automatic monthly payments to my savings account

3) I’m on target with planning my wedding

To download your free Goal Mapping Workbook click here.

3. Use a Weekly/Monthly Self-Reflection Journal 

Lord knows that follow up and accountability are key to achieving your goals and getting to where you want to be. For the past 4 to 5 years I’ve used a Self-Reflection Journal where I check in weekly and monthly on my personal and professional goals. My SRJ is near and dear to my heart because when I was in college, my life was pretty crazy and this little journal kept me on track. My mom was in and out of jail, I was driving home every weekend to care for my younger siblings and despite the craziness, I was able to stay on track because of my “me” time rituals. In February, I made the SRJ available to the public because it’s been such a simple yet powerful resource in my life.


Get a copy of the Self-Reflection eJournal here.

Leave me a comment: Have you ever felt lost or unfulfilled? How did you get on the right track? What do you think it means to ‘Get Your Life’?
