3 Life Lessons My 3-Year-Old Niece Can Teach Us



A couple of months ago, I called myself being a “good auntie/sister” and volunteered to babysit my 3-year-old niece for a week. I wanted her to get better acquainted with “this” side of the family, while relieving my sister and brother-in-law, for his birthday weekend.

By the end of the week I was ready… wait, I mean by about day 3, I was ready to send her back on the Greyhound. JK. JK. But seriously, I was ready to take her home! I realized just how much work it takes to care for a toddler and I truly have a new found respect for parents!

Caring for young people can be a phenomenal experience, if you let it. In my opinion, toddlers are fascinating to watch, though they can be a hand full! Over the course of the week I learned so much about myself, my 3 year old niece and life in general. She was certainly my teacher for the week. Below are 3 things that I was reminded of, while being in the company of my beautiful, high energy niece.

1. Don’t compromise what you want

My niece Lolo and I were on our way home from a long day at the park. We were chatting about the day and I said to her, “When we get home we’re going to go night night.” She interrupted me before I could get the second “night” out and rebutted “Auntie, I want to take a bubble bath first.” I LOLed in my head (wait does that make sense?) I told her that she could take a bath but at some point during our drive I forgot the plan and repeated, “When we get home you can take out your ballies and then we’re going to go to sleep, ok?” Lolo repeated without missing a beat, “Auntie I want to take a bubble bath before we go to sleep.” Several times during her stay with me, she stated what she wanted and she didn’t compromise. If she liked something she let it be known and if she didn’t, she spoke up as well.

Remember as children how we made up in our minds that we wanted something and wouldn’t take “No” for an answer? More times than not, we wouldn’t be satisfied until we got what we wanted. Sometimes as adults, it’s easy to compromise to assure that we don’t hurt someone’s feelings or to avoid tension. If you have a dream, a goal, a standard, don’t compromise what you want. But more importantly, don’t compromise yourself. 

2. Be flexible 

My life runs on agendas and planners! However, I learned that when babysitting children — or raising children for that matter– an agenda will most likely be altered. I had an agenda and a set plan for me and Lolo’s day. One afternoon, we had finally made it out of the house and as soon as I buckled her into her car seat, she said, “Auntie, I have to pee pee.” I looked up and couldn’t do anything else but smile. I took her to the bathroom and THEN we went on our way. 

In life we have to be prepared for the unexpected. Often times, there are things that are beyond our control that will cause us to alter our plans. Be flexible and prepare to execute a plan B at a moments notice.

 3. Make The Most Out Of Every Situation

I don’t have children, so I have no toys in my apartment. I thought my niece was going to be saddened by this reality but to my surprise, she was quite optimistic. When it was time for her bath, I gave her the most random “toys” to play with. All I had was a pink soap dish, travel size shampoo from a hotel visit and a princess cup (she pretty much forced me to buy it from Walmart.) Lolo sat in the tub and played for a good hour while I got some personal things done. I checked on her periodically and she was having a ball! I don’t even think she realized that she didn’t have the toys that she was accustomed to. 

At the moment, my life isn’t picture perfect but I do try to make the most out of every situation. Although I have high expectations, I’m learning to appreciate the “toys” that I’ve been given and to play with them until I’m able to get the real toys.

It’s funny how a 3 year old can remind us of valuable life lessons. What has a young person taught you recently? 
